I heard someone refer to the period of time between 2001 and 2004 as “the Bush Administration” today, which isn’t unusual, especially for Americans. But it got me thinking–why do Americans talk about their presidential administrations like that? It’s rooted in the colloquialisms of America to talk about Administrations with…

I heard someone refer to the period of time between 2001 and 2004 as “the Bush Administration” today, which isn’t unusual, especially for Americans. But it got me thinking–why do Americans talk about their presidential administrations like that?

It’s rooted in the colloquialisms of America to talk about Administrations with the same cultural ubiquity as the reign of a king–an analogue I don’t think is too far off from how the broader structures of the country works.

It’s been said a lot recently that “this is the end of American democracy,” or “a complete breakdown of American values,” or some such. I don’t agree. The USA, from its inception, has been steadily ratcheting towards this inevitable outcome. It would have happened at some point or another, and I think the writing’s been on the wall since the Second World War. It’s said the Nazis looked to America’s Jim Crows laws as a source of admiration; admiration for their boldness, for not even the goddamn Nazis were willing to pass legislature that overtly discriminatory. James Q. Whitman, author of Hitler’s American Model, says that “American racial classification law was much harsher than anything the Nazis themselves were willing to introduce in Germany.”

All this to say I don’t think this current, accursed administration is profoundly unamerican or something like that. I think they just no longer feel the need to have the facade.

The Republicans move the country further to the right, and the Democrats refuse to undo any of the changes. This is called the Ratchet Effect. This is the logical conclusion of a whole shitload of phenomena we’ve seen before, but dressed up in a brand-new, 21st century America coat of paint. An alarming one, might I add.

We’ve seen populism before. Never like this.

We’ve seen fascism before. Never like this.

We’ve seen oligarchies before. Never like this.

Not to mention the Apartheid equivalent of Grima Wormtongue Trump has kept as an advisor, like a scheming vizier. I’ll write a separate thing about Elon at some point too, I’m sure. A long-form essay. I have thoughts on the man. Long and complicated ones.

Not like I think he’s a good guy. Dear reader, if this is all you ever read from me, I want you to know in no uncertain terms I loathe Elon Musk with all my soul.

To quote my favourite toucan with social anxiety, “what do we do about this?” And the short answer is I don’t know. The writing’s been on the wall for this type of shit to happen for years and broadly speaking I think the American people have spent the last two decades getting systematically neutered by the ruling class so resistance isn’t feasible. Do I think the world’s gonna come out of this? Like the snake eating its tail, I believe so. If anything, I think the rest of the world is going to be better off. But it’s going to be a rough fucking ride and I need everyone to be ready for that.

Easier said than done for some, I recognize. If you’re trans and in the USA–I’m sorry. I really am. I’m never one to advocate leaving a country but I genuinely believe it’s now or never to bail from this sinking ship. If you have the means, do it. If you don’t, amass your resources. Stay safe. Make it through the other end of this by any means possible. ARM YOURSELF.

Be safe. To bring this back to the king analogy–we’ve seen it from the White House themselves. “Long live the king.” Make sure this king is Louis XIV.

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