Dropping the pretense.

My name is Winter Publicover–I’m a queer horror and fantasy writer operating out of Lethbridge, Alberta. I put queer first there for a good reason. Given everything that’s happening in the world, I believe it vital to stand my ground, stand our ground. This site is not for bigots. It is not for those with hate in their heart, with an unwillingness to learn. To engage. To think, even if for a moment. I don’t want you here.

Look at me, preaching without anything being known about me.

That’s fine.

I write about when you look up at a popcorn ceiling and see a face staring back. I write about the jacket on a hook in the corner of a child’s room, keeping them awake on a school night, afraid to turn on the lamp. Memories of places that aren’t, never were, and may never be. Anemoia and pareidolia.

This page is free and will remain so indefinitely. It is far more important for people to accessibly read short fiction than it is for me to make a meagre rate off it. No hate to publishers, you’re a time-honoured part of the literary world. I just want to do things differently.

If the world ends tomorrow, I want to have touched the soul of at least one stranger.