In this week’s issue of the Horlav Press, Asher Vaughn discusses a brief history of publication within Horlav.

  1. Horlav would not ‘invent’ the manila envelope until about three years after this event. ↩︎
  2. Wentworth, D. “Great, Wooden, and Wet: A History of the Printing Press” (1822). ↩︎
  3. Jenh, R. “Rolf Higgins: Assault Cases and Turnover Rates: A Brief History of Controversy,” (1824), p. 922. ↩︎
  4. Thoresson, Y. “The Sales Pitch at the Ninth Exhibition” (1799). ↩︎
  5. The exact date here is unclear. Both Asterwyrth and Ummaktabah guard their historical records ferociously, and the date can only be roughly inferred based on the output of print from Ummaktabah in those years. ↩︎
  6. Bell, N. “Message by Bludgeon: Use of Gang Violence to Settle Grudges Among the Nobility” (1693). ↩︎
  7.  Isaacs, I. “Contrarianism of Horlav Nobility,” (1812). No longer available for print. ↩︎
  8.  Vespa, B. “Regarding the Press and Peasantry” Posting in the Asterwyrth Gazelle (1643). ↩︎
  9.  Vespa, R. “Apologizing for Everything My Grandfather Said” (1715) p. 49 ↩︎
  10.  Vespa, R. “Apologizing for Everything My Grandfather Said” (1715) p. 42. ↩︎
  11.  The other is the Bergen Private School in Asterwyrth, only accessible by the children of Asterwyrth scholars. ↩︎

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